
Help The Poor Child in India

India is home to millions of poor people who have limited means in life. Some even struggle to get the basics in life: food, water, clothing and shelter. Despite considerable progress made in the socio-economic sphere since independence, even today, more than 23.4% of India’s population lives below the poverty line, as per the World Bank figures. 0.01% Raised $0.00 donated of   $10,000.00   goal 0   Donors Campaign has ended The key to tackle poverty does not lie in doling out benefits to the needy. The focus here should be on equipping them with all the necessary tools (quality education, healthcare, safety and security, professional skills, etc.) so that they can attain personal economic growth and in turn contribute to their own, society’s and country’s growth. Here are some ways in which you can contribute your bit in fighting poverty: Donating to an NGO is a great way of helping poor NGOs like Save the Children are providing children of today (w...